5 Ways to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

Happy 2020! It’s officially a new year and I am so excited. Every year, December 31st brings me the highest sense of magic, hope and promise I have ever felt. Why? Because for me, the new year is like a RESET button.

Some people don’t feel this way and that’s okay! Whatever floats your boat. For many, it’s a chance to start fresh and really buckle down on your goals and plans for a new year. Traditions like eating 12 grapes to bring good luck for each month of the new year and writing down your New Year’s Resolutions have been around for a very long time. With all this excitement on a new year and a new page of a 365 day book (in this case a 366 day book #leapyear), it’s also important to reflect on the highs and lows of the previous year. This time around, I wrote down every single achievement I had accomplished and blessing received over the last 12 months. In fact, I made a super cute recap video and uploaded it on my Instagram which you can check out here. This really helped me realize that several of my goals had actually been met and reminded me that the law of attraction is real and dedication pays off!

Although we don’t have to wait until December 31st to reflect on our accomplished goals and lessons learned or for January 1st to come around to suddenly start making moves towards other goals and a better life, it sure feels like a chance to start the new year off on the right foot. Some of us get a little ambitious with our New Year’s Resolutions and end up forgetting half of them throughout the year.

Here is a list of 5 things we can do to stay goal oriented and stick to our New Years Resolutions and attract an amazing year full of abundance and blessings.

  • Make a Vision Board: It doesn’t have to be on a huge poster, but on something big enough and sturdy enough to fit words, pictures, phrases or what you want to attract and see more of in 2020. This helps you to SEE your goals and resolutions in front of you and register them better to remember throughout the year. It also is a great way to reflect on what you have already done and received as the months go by. Hang your vision board in your room or put it somewhere it’ll always be seen. You can even take a picture of it and set it as your phone or laptop background for a daily reminder
  • Get an Agenda/Planner: Just like the vision board for your goals, a planner will help you get your life on track by giving you a space to write down the things you get to do in a day. Writing down your list of things to do gives you an opportunity to schedule in your priorities and get a sense of accomplishment when you check an item off your to-do list. This planner is great if you want to stay goal oriented and manifest greatness for the year.
  • Have Someone Who Will Hold You Accountable: I am a private person when it comes to sharing my goals, good news, or plans for the future until they have been accomplished or are set in stone. However, it is good to have a friend or family member or even a co-worker that knows your goals or the track you want to be on and helps push you there. This person will keep you in check when you are falling behind on your goals and priorities and will remind you of the accomplishments you’ve made along the way!
  • Turn Bigger Resolutions/Goals into Smaller Ones: Ask yourself what you life goals are. There are NO limits. These goals do not have to be “realistic” or “SMART” they just have to be exactly what you want to achieve or get in your lifetime. Once you have that list, begin breaking down your goals into smaller ones, basically making them stepping stones or building blocks to get to where you ultimate see yourself. These smaller goals can be more “realistic,” but still allow yourself to think that anything can happen and that there are no limits. The difference is that you will put a time limit to reach the smaller goals and keep yourself on track for your bigger ones. Breaking up your ultimate goals into smaller ones will make them less intimidating and will seem more attainable.
  • Decide What You Want to Leave in the Old Year & What You Want To Receive and Attract in the New Year: You can do this many ways, but I think the best way is to write down whatever you want to leave behind on a piece of paper and shred it, crumble it up and throw it away or burn it (lol be careful with that one). These list can be made up of bad habits, negative feelings, toxic people/relationships, etc. Then, write a new list of what you want to bring into the new year. This can be of what you want to attract or receive more of, for example: Health, Work Opportunities, Great and Loyal Friendships, etc. Record that list into your phone and play it back a few times a week. This will help you manifest these things into your life and also remind you to stay on track of what you want. You can also take a picture of this list and keep it as your phone background, like I mentioned for the vision board.

Remember it’s never too late to start on your dream life! I hope these tips help you stay goal oriented and stick to your resolutions this year. CHEERS TO A NEW DECADE ~ Happy 2020!
