- 1. Be Your F*cking Self
- Nobody likes a follower and honestly the more different you are, the more unique and interesting it makes you
- 2. Don’t Go to College to Study What Your Parents Want You to Study (unless that’s what you want)
- This could go 1 of 3 ways: 1- You drop out of school because you realize you hate it; 2- You graduate from said major and realize you’ve wasted your time; 3- You go on and make a career for yourself in this field and realize you still don’t like it, hate your life and resent your parents
- 3. Mean Boys in School Like You – I said it
- It’s true. Unless it’s legitimate/horrible bullying/harassment, then they’re just a**holes and should be expelled.
- 4. Going to Therapy is Not Just for Crazy People
- Therapy is 100% fine and should be normalized. Everybody needs a non-bias person in their lives that they can talk to and trust without feeling judged. It helps you see a different perspective on the situation and crucial for your mental health (in my opinion)
- 5. Travel A Lot
- This year, especially, I realized that traveling is so much more important than partying with your friends & online shopping. Instead, you can party with your friends and shop in a different city/state/country & be cultured lol
- 6. Don’t Settle
- (Still working on this one) Seriously though, don’t settle for anything if you know you are worth more: friendships, relationships, jobs, career, etc
- 7. Your First Love Might Not Be Your “First Love”
- So he/she broke your heart (or the other way around) and one/both of you thought the world was over- it’s not. Something/Someone better will come, trust me.
- 8. Stressing About Getting Straight A’s in School is Not Worth It
- Yes, I was an “Alpha” student at my high school and always made honor roll, but I definitely felt over worked and stressed about getting all A’s. You know what they say in college, “C’s get degrees.” The C’s might not get you into your dream grad school and in some cases getting the highest GPA score possible is important, but don’t stress yourself out about it too much.
- 9. Tequila Reposada is Disgusting PERIODT

- 10. Your Mom is Your Best Friend
- She will always have your back and will outlast any other friend you’ve ever had. Whether you fight with your mom or not, she will always be there and have your best interest in mind.
- 11. Pineapple Does Not Go On Pizza. #sorrynotsorry
- 12. You Are Not The Only One Going Through Whatever Problem You Are Going Through
- Don’t believe me? Just check Twitter
- 13. Respect Your Elders
- Without them we would not be here. Sure, times have changed and you don’t have to agree with them on everything, but still respect them. Call your grandparents, aunts, uncles. Love them and visit them when you get the chance. They were always there for you and when they’re gone you’ll be happy you were also there for them
- 14. Do What You Want in Life
- (Refer to #2) F**k what people think. If it makes you genuinely happy and doesn’t harm anyone. The money will come, the “approval” will come and you definitely won’t think you’ve wasted time when you look back
- 15. Think Before You Speak
- (Still working on this) But it will 100% turn out better if you do. Actions may outweigh words, but you can never take back the things you’ve said
- 16. Follow Through
- With plans, goals, projects, etc. It’ll be worth it!
- 17. Support Your Family and Friends
- Whether they start a business, need advice, make an important decision. It takes less effort to support them than to support complete strangers like we do everyday. It’s also greatly appreciated!
- 18. Be Honest:
- With yourself and others. Lies always come back to haunt you and can leave you with more regret than telling the truth when you had the chance
- 19. Don’t Pick Boys/Girls Over Your Friends
- This doesn’t mean to ditch your significant other if you had previous plans for a spontaneous girls/boys night, but make the effort to hangout with your friends when you can. After all, those friendships will probably outlast most of your relationships
- 20. Do Your Part For Our Planet
- Whether that means recycling, cutting back on waste, using less energy, developing a plant based diet, etc. Everyone can do their part and that’s what counts.

- 21. Do Not Lose Your Family’s Native Language or Traditions
- It’s the only way to stay in touch with your roots and contribute to their legacy. The extra language will also probably equal to bigger bucks in the work field
- 22. Karma, Energy and Vibes Exist.
- You can attract anything you want (or don’t want) in life all through your thoughts, words or actions. Listen to your gut, it feels that way for a reason.
- 23. It’s Okay to Be Selfish & Love Yourself
- Again, as long as what you do and how you do it is healthy and doesn’t necessarily harm others, make decisions for YOU. Show yourself love and respect. Keep the peace within yourself. Your thoughts, actions, words all affect the life you live- make them great.
- 24. Take That Risk
- Change careers; start a YouTube channel or podcast; move to a different city, state, country; tell them you love them; go on that audition; try something you’ve always wanted to try. It’s better to try and fail vs think “What if?” for the rest of your life!
I’ve obviously learned many other things along the way and will continue to learn as life goes on. Let me know your age (or age range) and one thing you’ve learned in life in the comment section!
*Check out more birthday posts on my Instagram Account @gabriellacatano