It’s Time to Realize You Have Time..

Hey guys! Welcome to another #motivatedmonday post. The past few weeks, or months, have been pretty hectic for me. I’ve been very focused on my YouTube channels, Instagram content, website posts, makeup clients and acting. However, I’ve had so much anxiety, as I spoke about in this post, because for some reason I’ve been feeling like I need to have it all figured out right NOW.

As a young adult growing up with the digital sphere we have, it feels like if you don’t have your sh*t together by now, you’re time is almost up. It’s very easy to get caught up in what other people are doing with their lives when you constantly see posts of their best moments on social media. REMEMBER: we are not uploading our struggles, our failures, our doubts and fears; we are uploading our wins, our favorite memories, our happy times. It’s great to show off our accomplishments, our diplomas, our engagements, our new car or apartments, etc., but as an outsider looking in, remember that’s ALL we are talking about, not the other side.

My point is, if you are feeling lost and “behind” the crowd, take a moment to think about everything you have accomplished so far in your life and about how much time you have to complete the rest of your goals. Like I said, I have been focused on my YouTube channels, Instagram content, website posts, makeup clients and acting, but I haven’t been focused on my family, my friends, my boyfriend, my health or my own sanity. I have been in a hurry to get the best content, spit out YouTube videos, be on-camera, and sure, these are important things to focus on as they correlate to my ultimate dreams and aspirations, but I. HAVE. TIME. I have time to breath and take a day off, I have time to dedicate a few hours to visiting my grandma or spend a few moments of the day petting my dog and just have fun doing regular day things. You don’t always have to be on “work mode” to succeed in life.

As a young woman, my time is here, now and in the future. If there’s one thing we have in life, it’s time. Take a moment to figure out your true goals and passions; what makes you, you. Haven’t figured that out? Its okay, because you have time. This weekend I had the opportunity to take an on-camera workshop with an LA Talent agent in Miami at The Actory studio and instead of letting it intimidate me about the business, it excited me and made me think: “I am not in a hurry. I believe in myself and MY time will come. My time was then, my time is now, my time never ends.”

  • Here’s a great song by Billy Joel that really resonates with me on this topic.